Groundwork & research to inform the e-learning sector in Kosova, as well as to support the success of students and educators through online & blended learning platforms
This research examines how ICT training programs in Kosova are reshaping the nation’s employment landscape, academic career paths, and gender inclusivity. It finds that accredited, long-term training initiatives—characterized by curricula updated every six months and a strong practical focus—are more effective in preparing youth for immediate job placement than traditional, slower-adapting university programs. While short-term… Read More »The Impact of ICT Training on Employment, Education, and Gender Inclusivity in Kosova
Kjo monografi është shkruar me rastin e 5 vjetorit të themelimit zyrtar të qendrës, dhe përmban një përmbledhje të aktiviteteve, angazhimeve e përceptimeve ndaj “KCDE-së”. Përgjatë gjithë kësaj kohe, KCDE ka organizuar dhe zhvilluar programe të shumta arsimore, trajnime dhe punëtori për mësimdhënësit, nxënësit dhe drejtuesit e shkollave, në mënyrë që ata të jenë të… Read More »Monografia – 5 Vjet KCDE
This document has been produced as part of the “Increase higher education opportunities through equal access to e-learning and technology” project with the financial assistance of the HERAS social dimension small grant funding. The contents of this document are the sole responsibility of Kosova Center for Digital Education (KCDE) and can under no circumstances be regarded as reflecting the position… Read More »Increasing higher education opportunities through equal access to e-learning and technology
At the height of the pandemic in Kosovo, “e-learning” was touted by policymakers as a way of ensuring all students could receive an education. Did this rhetoric meet reality, especially for groups who are underserved like the Roma, Ashkali, and Egyptian communities? To answer this question, Aaron Spitler spoke to experts in the field of… Read More »Disconnected: Inequality and ‘E-Learning’ in COVID-Era Kosovo
Although “e-learning” is a format for instruction that can make education more accessible, it is evident that it has not always been an option for Roma, Ashkali, and Egyptian youth. This research was prepared as part of the project “Increasing Citizen Participation in the Digital Agenda – ICEDA”, with the financial support of the European… Read More »E-Learning” Programs and Roma, Ashkali, and Egyptian Youth
Policies for e-learning in Kosova are as lacking as programs for “e-learning” or digital access. The only policy papers are manuals/guidelines which have been approved by MESTI for use in schools that have been forced to adapt to the pandemic. This research was prepared as part of the project “Increasing Citizen Participation in the Digital… Read More »The (Lack of) Policy Gonverning Online Education in Kosova
Two years into the pandemic, teachers across Kosovo still struggle to engage their students via “e-learning”. What is the teacher’s own perspective on the role of e-learning in the learning process? ” This research was prepared as part of the project “Increasing Citizen Participation in the Digital Agenda – ICEDA” with the financial support of… Read More »Lessons Learned? The Future of “E-Learning” in Kosovo
The Covid-19 pandemic has pushed many countries to seek solutions to provide quality distance education to all students. Some have used traditional media, such as TV and radio, while others have used more contemporary methods such as online classrooms and other online platforms. This variance in approaches has sharpened the divide for access to education… Read More »The Gender Gap in distance Education in Kosova
It is generally recognized that digital integration in the education system is a valuable asset for teachers and students. The use of quality equipment such as computers, tablets, projectors, televisions, etc., can make the learning process easier and also directly affect the preparation of students to pursue more profitable careers and for an ever more digital… Read More »Digital School Mapping in the Municipality of Pristina through Focus Groups