Kosova has the unique opportunity to reimagine how "e-learing" can engage and inspire students from all walks of life

Kosova has the unique opportunity to reimagine how "e-learing" can engage and inspire students from all walks of life

Kosova has the unique opportunity to reimagine how "e-learing" can engage and inspire students from all walks of life

Kosova has the unique opportunity to reimagine how "e-learing" can engage and inspire students from all walks of life
Kosova Center for Digital Education (KCDE) is a Kosova non-profit organization which provides in-service teacher professional development training in online learning, and facilitates digitalization of the education sector in the country through research and advocacy engagement.
KCDE was founded as a pilot-project on distance education in 2016 and registered as an NGO in 2018 with the mission to diversify the means and alternatives of teaching and learning from traditional to blended-learning.

This way you can give your contribution towards an imporved education system in your country.

Connect-ed Kosova Tracking System
It identifies the number of children who have been left behind due to the digital divide and serves as a platform that will help overcome the digital divide among children in Kosova.
The system has three main components:
Identified cases – show the number of school children per municipality that were unable to attend distance or e-learning during the pandemic
Collected assets – show the real numbers of collected assets from donations
Distributed assets – are directly linked to the ‘identified cases’ category in order to see the real time impact that all donors are making for these children in need

Mësimdhënia online në nivelin e duhur
Mësimdhënia online në nivelin e duhur
Hyrje në mësimin online
Metodat e Mësimdhënies Online
Materialet Audio-Vizuale
Vlerësimi Online
Sistemi për Menaxhimin e Mësimit
Mësimdhënia online në nivelin e duhur
Hyrje në mësimin online
Metodat e Mësimdhënies Online
Materialet Audio-Vizuale
Vlerësimi Online
Sistemi për Menaxhimin e Mësimit

Hyrje në mësimin online
Moduli 1

Metodat e Mësimdhënies Online
Moduli 2

Materialet Audio-Vizuale
Moduli 3

Vlerësimi online
Moduli 4

Sistemi për Menaxhimin e Mësimit
Moduli 5
Groundwork & research to inform the e-learning sector in Kosova, as well as to support the success of students and educators through online & blended learning platforms
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