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Groundwork & research to inform the e-learning sector in Kosova, as well as to support the success of students and educators through online & blended learning platforms


Online Training

Teacher Professional Development on e-learning. Capacity building on digital skills for youth of all walks of life.



Advocacy for digital integration and digital opportunities in Education

As a Center for Distance Education, we cover three areas of work:

The establishment of research projects in the field of digital / virtual learning

Capacity building of teachers and students in regarding digital / virtual learning

Advocacy for the creation of the legal infrastructure for the digitalization of education in Kosovo.

To ensure that digital opportunities are functional in the context in which we live and operate, research work and discipline are required.

Capacity building of teachers through digital modalities makes them more inclined to practice these modalities within their classrooms – as well as expanding the opportunities for young people to pursue digital modules.

Likewise, by creating the legal framework, the access to digital learning and teaching opportunities is expanded, legally recognized qualifications are created, and teachers are encouraged to develop their competencies in this line of work.


Teaching Online at the Right Level is a teacher professional development program, which aims to contribute towards closing the instructional or e-learning knowledge gap by increasing the awareness and effectiveness of e-Learning strategies while closing the skill gap by teachers utilizing e-tools effectively for both professional development and instruction.


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The lack of technology inclusion in higher education in Kosovo will only continue to put our students at to disadvantage from their peers around the world. In some respects, the pandemic served as a “wake-up call” to educators and policymakers alike. KCDE seeks to leverage this opportunity to ensure “e-learning” is a possibility for the youth of all backgrounds

Advocacy for Digital Integration in the Education System is an advocacy program through which KCDE works towards strengthening the digital agenda in Kosovo and promoting digital solutions to education

Training and Research project, during which KCDE developed a study on gender gap in access to internet and distance learning among school-aged children in Kosova, and to helped Kosova middle school girls develop critical thinking and problem-solving skills that improve their lives through the ‘Equipping Girls with the 21st Century Skills’ online training program.

Connect-Ed (“connect” and “ed” short. from “education”) Kosova is a project which aims to identify, register and bridge the digital divide among school-aged children. KCDE in partnership with Open Data Kosova have developed the ConnectEd Kosova Tracking system for 2020. 

The system has three main components: 

  • 1st component will be ‘identified cases’ – which shows the number of school children that were unable to attend distance or e-learning during the pandemic
  • 2nd component will be ‘collected assets’ – which shows the real numbers of collected assets from donations (in-house)
  • 3nd component will be ‘distributed assets’ – which is directly linked to the ‘identified cases’ category in order to see the real time impact that all donors/stakeholders are making for these children in need

The Internet Use for Learning Purposes project focus was on awareness raising regarding internet use for learning purposes, as well as enhancing youth critical thinking and problem solving skills to better match market needs.

The Student Awareness Campaign on E-Learning Potential is an awareness raising project  on use of technology for study purposes among the student community in Kosova. The project was supported by the U.S. Embassy in the beginning of our foundation, as an U.S. Alumni changemaking program

Empowering Girls for Empowering Careers

Empowering Girls for Empowering Careers

  • 2023

The project goal is to empower girls aged 18-25 in Kosovo, giving priority to young girls and communities such as Roma, Ashkali, and Egyptians, by providing them with digital skills and career mentoring sessions.

Summer Camp "Beyond the Borders"

Summer Camp "Beyond the Borders"

  • 2023

The project aims to bring together students from the University of Prishtina "Hasan Prishtina" with students from the diaspora to collaborate in the creation of project ideas and their transformation through group work, focusing on the following areas: Education, Innovation, Entrepreneurship, Integration of technology in education, Economy, Social Equity, International Relations, Sports, Culture, Promotion of Physical and Mental well-being, Energy, Environment, Sustainable Development, Renewable Energy and Impact on Sustainable Development, Research, Journalism, Media etc.


Enhancing KREN E-Learning: Strategy Moderation, Staff Training, and Digital Content Frameworks Development

Enhancing KREN E-Learning: Strategy Moderation, Staff Training, and Digital Content Frameworks Development

  • 2023

The overall goal of the project is to ensure that KREN effectively implements digital transformation in education to support e-learning in Kosovo. It also aims to contribute towards closing the instructional or e-learning knowledge gap by increasing the awareness and effectiveness of e-learning strategies, while closing the skill gap by utilizing e-tools effectively for both professional development and instruction.

Transforming the Kosovo and Albanian Education System by Introducing Digital Technology in Teacher Education

Transforming the Kosovo and Albanian Education System by Introducing Digital Technology in Teacher Education

  • 2023

The project aims to:


  1.  Analyze the learning path of IT-related subjects in so so-called Core Curriculum of pre-university studies in Kosovo, and modernize it by pulling the subject into earlier stages as well as including the ICT competencies in the horizontal subjects;
  2. To establish a task force of Education Technologists that will have the main responsibility for transforming the education processes through technology;
  3. To create open learning resources for a specific subject and offer them through the Ministry of Education, Science, and Innovation eLearning repository;
  4. To train and retrain the IT-related teachers with the new digital competencies with respect to their learning materials;
  5. To create a non-existing Bachelor program in Education Faculty with respect to the ICT domain in the University of Prishtina and the University of Prizren and also modernize the existing ones by including ICT competencies;
Fulbright Specialist - Virtual Learning in Kosovo

Fulbright Specialist - Virtual Learning in Kosovo

  • 2023

The Fulbright fellow will:


  1.  Conduct an environmental scan of the online and digital capacities of Kosovo’s K-12 digital system;
  2.  Analyze environmental scan results and current KCDE programming through the framework of the U.S. National Standards for Quality Online Learning to develop a strategic plan to support research, policy, and programming;
  3. Introduce and forge relationships with U.S.-based experts and organizations to expand KCDE’s network of virtual learning experts, potential journal research partners, and publishing bodies for disseminating work.
Digital School Mapping in the Municipality of Pristina through Focus Groups

Digital School Mapping in the Municipality of Pristina through Focus Groups

  • 2022

The main goal of this project is to produce research by conducting an in-depth analysis of the digital capacities of the schools of Pristina and the readiness of parents, teachers, and students to move to a more digitized learning process.



  • 2022

The object of this contract is the collaboration with the Kosovo Center for Digital Education - Meso Online regarding the promotion of the platform EduPerformanca which is a crowdsourcing data source from pupils to better understand the problems and advocate for a better education system. Through this pilot platform, pupils now will have a digital tool through which they can freely express their thoughts on certain subjects and their performance in the respective municipalities.

Teacher Training Program

  • 2022

The "digital skills teacher training" initiative aims to empower teachers from marginalized backgrounds
or those directly involved with minority students in Kosovo, training and equipping them with the necessary skills to enhance their professional capacities, thus directly impacting the children they serve.


Through the program, these teachers will:


  1.  Improve their digital skills for online learning in a cooperative environment;
  2.  Respond to professional connections with them building a community for online learning;
  3.  Benefit from professional development in online teaching.

Increase higher education opportunities through equal access to e-learning and technology

  • 2022

The project “Increase higher education opportunities through equal access to e-learning and technology”,
aimed at increasing participation and reducing dropouts in higher education of marginalized groups, with
a special focus on girls.


The specific objectives of the project are:

  1.  To raise awareness and build community support for equal access to e-learning and technology
  2.  To amplify the voices of young people to act as allies for equal access to digital education.


Within this project we compiled a research paper that addressed the existing needs of marginalized groups
in accessing, participating in, and completing higher education and the impact of technology, with a
special focus on gender perspectives.

Advocacy for Digital Integration in the Education System: Strengthening Distance Education in Kosovo

  • 2021

Through the “Digital Integration in the Education System,” KCDE aims to work towards strengthening the digital agenda in Kosovo and promoting digital education solutions. The key activity is advocacy through OpeEd-s regarding digital education, info sessions, and movie screenings.


Teaching Online at the Right Level

  • 2021

Teaching Online at the Right Level is a teacher professional development program, which aims to contribute towards closing the instructional or e-learning knowledge gap by increasing the awareness and
effectiveness of e-learning strategies while closing the skill gap by teachers utilizing e-tools effectively for both professional development and instruction.

Girls and 21st Century Skills

  • 2020

The “Girls and 21st Century Skills” project has the ultimate goal of creating gender equality and empowering young girls.


The project has three components:


  1.  Training young girls on Digital Skills, Critical Literacy, Research and, Sustainable Development Goals.
  2.  Producing Research on the “Gender Gap in Distance Education”
  3.  Producing a video campaign to raise awareness for equal access to education for all children.

Connect-Ed Kosova

  • 2020

The “Connect-Ed” (“connect” and “ed” short for “education”), project aimed at closing the digital divide among children that occurred during the pandemic COVID-19, so that children can return to schooling, by collecting, purchasing, and distributing laptops and other equipment for children in need, especially for discriminated groups such as girls, children with special needs, children from minorities, those with difficult economic conditions, and orphans. Through this project KCDE also aims to develop a pilot tracking system that identifies and registers the number of school-aged children are left behind due to the
digital divide.
