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Empowering Girls for Empowering Careers

The project goal is to empower girls aged 18-25 in Kosovo, giving priority to young girls and communities such as Roma, Ashkali, and Egyptians, by providing them with digital skills and career mentoring sessions.

Transforming the Kosovo and Albanian Education System by Introducing Digital Technology in Teacher Education

The project aims to: Analyze the learning path of IT-related subjects in so so-called Core Curriculum of pre-university studies in Kosovo, and modernize it by pulling the subject into earlier stages as well as including the ICT competencies in the horizontal subjects; To establish a… Read More »Transforming the Kosovo and Albanian Education System by Introducing Digital Technology in Teacher Education


The object of this contract is the collaboration with the Kosovo Center for Digital Education – Mëso Online regarding the promotion of the platform EduPerformanca which is a crowdsourcing data source from pupils to better understand the problems and advocate for a better education system.… Read More »EduPerformanca

Increase higher education opportunities through equal access to e-learning and technology

The project “Increase higher education opportunities through equal access to e-learning and technology”,aimed at increasing participation and reducing dropouts in higher education of marginalized groups, witha special focus on girls. The specific objectives of the project are: To raise awareness and build community support for… Read More »Increase higher education opportunities through equal access to e-learning and technology

Girls and 21st Century Skills

The “Girls and 21st Century Skills” project has the ultimate goal of creating gender equality and empowering young girls. The project has three components: Training young girls on Digital Skills, Critical Literacy, Research and, Sustainable Development Goals. Producing Research on the “Gender Gap in Distance… Read More »Girls and 21st Century Skills

Connect-Ed Kosova

The “Connect-Ed” (“connect” and “ed” short for “education”), project aimed at closing the digital divide among children that occurred during the pandemic COVID-19, so that children can return to schooling, by collecting, purchasing, and distributing laptops and other equipment for children in need, especially for… Read More »Connect-Ed Kosova
