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The Impact of ICT Training on Employment, Education, and Gender Inclusivity in Kosova

This research examines how ICT training programs in Kosova are reshaping the nation’s employment landscape, academic career paths, and gender inclusivity. It finds that accredited, long-term training initiatives—characterized by curricula updated every six months and a strong practical focus—are more effective in preparing youth for… Read More »The Impact of ICT Training on Employment, Education, and Gender Inclusivity in Kosova

Development of Modules Youth4CleanAir

We are currently developing modules that will form the foundation of our initiative for this upcoming project. Each module is being meticulously crafted to ensure they are robust, effective, and aligned with our mission. Stay tuned as we progress towards launching this impactful project.

Empowering Girls for Empowering Careers

The project goal is to empower girls aged 18-25 in Kosovo, giving priority to young girls and communities such as Roma, Ashkali, and Egyptians, by providing them with digital skills and career mentoring sessions.

Monografia – 5 Vjet KCDE

Kjo monografi është shkruar me rastin e 5 vjetorit të themelimit zyrtar të qendrës, dhe përmban një përmbledhje të aktiviteteve, angazhimeve e përceptimeve ndaj “KCDE-së”. Përgjatë gjithë kësaj kohe, KCDE ka organizuar dhe zhvilluar programe të shumta  arsimore, trajnime dhe punëtori për mësimdhënësit, nxënësit dhe… Read More »Monografia – 5 Vjet KCDE

Enhancing KREN E-Learning: Strategy Moderation, Staff Training, and Digital Content Frameworks Development

The overall goal of the project is to ensure that KREN effectively implements digital transformation in education to support e-learning in Kosovo. It also aims to contribute towards closing the instructional or e-learning knowledge gap by increasing the awareness and effectiveness of e-learning strategies, while… Read More »Enhancing KREN E-Learning: Strategy Moderation, Staff Training, and Digital Content Frameworks Development

Transforming the Kosovo and Albanian Education System by Introducing Digital Technology in Teacher Education

The project aims to: Analyze the learning path of IT-related subjects in so so-called Core Curriculum of pre-university studies in Kosovo, and modernize it by pulling the subject into earlier stages as well as including the ICT competencies in the horizontal subjects; To establish a… Read More »Transforming the Kosovo and Albanian Education System by Introducing Digital Technology in Teacher Education

Increasing higher education opportunities through equal access to e-learning and technology​

This document has been produced as part of the “Increase higher education opportunities through equal access to e-learning and technology” project with the financial assistance of the HERAS social dimension small grant funding. The contents of this document are the sole responsibility of Kosova Center for Digital Education (KCDE)… Read More »Increasing higher education opportunities through equal access to e-learning and technology​
